Media Madness

A show of hands please, who thought the first Fox debate was fair and balanced? I know I didn’t. I was furious after that debacle. I couldn’t watch the Kelly File for months afterwards. In that debate the moderators were more like participants egging on the brawl and trying to one-up all of the contestants to make a name for themselves or something. I was totally disgusted.

Now, Trump has declined to participate in the next grudge match. That seems a reasonable thing to me. And to see all the Fox media act so outraged and all of their Fox paid talking heads act like this is the end of the world. That is just so funny. Fox Business put on two pretty decent debates, although these are not really debates as we all know. So, just what new questions are Kelly and company going to come up with, that they didn’t ask the first time or that hasn’t been asked in the half dozen debates, including the decent FBN debates?

Instead of asking about important issues like the security of our country in a world where Islamic terrorism is growing or asking about how to improve our economy after seven years of Obama managing the slowest non-recovery on record. The Fox team asked about who might run as a third party if they lost and what nasty names Trump called that nasty leftist Rosie, as if that was important to anybody. Chris especially demonstrated that he didn’t know anything about how hard it is to run a business or the difference between personal and corporate bankruptcy.

So, I am enjoying seeing Trump not play Fox’s game. Fox is only interested in ratings and Kelly is only interested in making a name for herself. They are not interested in helping the country make the right selection for President. It’s about time that we saw candidates like Paul and Trump stand up to this media madness that is the sad state of the “fourth” branch.

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