the legacy of a pen and a phone

Now that we near the end of President Obama’s second term, it is interesting to see him advise Trump in a wasted effort to keep some of his legacy intact. Too late, I say. Better luck next time. So, now I have some tips for future Presidents that want to transform America and leave a positive legacy.

1) don’t ever try to legislate or pass treaties on your own, even if you have a pen and a phone. Not only is it unconstitutional and a clear abuse of executive orders, but the next guy or gal in the office will also have a pen and a phone. Show some leadership and get congress to pass your agenda. That’s how our government is supposed to work.

2) don’t ever try to pass significant legislation without any input or support from the other party, even if your party has control of both houses of congress. Without showing leadership and working together to form consensus, you will reap what you sow when the tables are turned. Especially when you have to stoop to lies to get the legislation passed in the first place.

3) don’t lie to the people to get your legislation passed. So, when you say you have shovel ready jobs, we can keep our doctor, we can keep our current insurance plans, and costs will go down… guess what? You really better make sure to get your act together and make it all work. Otherwise, we will remember the failure and the lies and hold you to account. History won’t be kind.

4) don’t promise something over and over again in your campaign, like that you’ll make jobs your number one priority and then not make any efforts to build an economy that generates good jobs after election.

So, what will President Obama’s true legacy amount to? Sadly, not much. A failed major health initiative based on lies and pushed though with no bipartisan support. Foreign policy in shambles with ISIS spreading, Iran freed to become a regional nuclear power and Russia and China pushing the limits. Eight years of stagnant economy, while labor force participation is at all time lows and government hand-outs are at all time highs. Crony capitalism and countless scandals. The politicization and serious abuse of power of in many government agencies: IRS, EPA, DOJ, etc. Increased racial tensions and attacks against law and order. So much for a legacy. It’s a sad ending for a President that started out with such hope and potential.

BTW, is it too late to ask for that Nobel Peace Prize to be returned? We’ve been at war for the entire two terms of this President.

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