how many leaks does it take to sink a ship of state?

These government leaks of classified and confidential information have to stop. People in the government are making their own decisions about this or that and leaking to get their way. Where is the FBI? Why aren’t they tracking down these leakers? Or are some of the leaks coming from the FBI? Hard to say. I will say that when the leaks involve classified information such as private diplomatic discussions that our President has with foreign governments, then these leaks are not just damaging to our current President, but to the whole country and our security.

I’d like to see some kind of law so that if someone leaks classified information, that anyone that prints that information either has to expose the actual source or bear the burden of the laws being broken by revealing that information. We are not talking about press revealing criminal activity and a nefarious cover-up like Watergate or Bengahzi or the Clinton Foundation pay-for-play. We are talking about revealing classified information that can cause real harm to individuals and the security of the nation. If the editors and authors of a story were held accountable, then they might not print anything with only “unnamed sources”.

And, if these “unnamed sources” really believe that classified information needs to be shared with the press, then let them stand up and take the consequences. No more hiding behind the skirts of “freedom of the press”. With freedom comes responsibility, so stand up or shut up.