just what is essential?

The Senate's side of the Capitol Building in DC.

The Senate’s side of the Capitol Building in DC. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I was thinking about the government shutdown today (can you imagine that?) and specifically about how only “essential” government employees will continue to work. It occurred to me that as long as Harry Reid and the Senate continue to refuse to negotiate, that the Senate is now basically non-essential. Perhaps, they should all just be furloughed and go home to their states.

That would just leave the House and the Administration to come to an agreement. However, since the President also isn’t willing to even negotiate, perhaps the President is also no longer essential and should be furloughed too? We could just let him go back to playing golf (or whatever else he does when he is ignoring things like Benghazi) and then the House could finally pass some laws and get this country back on track.

Silly. I know, but it is a nice dream, isn’t it? If nothing else, getting rid of the Senate would finally put an end to Senators without any executive experience running for President. At least, with mainly Governors running we would know that they have some executive experience and aren’t totally incompetent. That is what I call essential.