The Press Express

The press seems to have come alive. Who knew they were still there? I thought they had all left for Hollywood or something. They have a new attack against President Trump almost everyday. I just saw a commercial with some idiot standing in front of the Watergate building promising to continue in that tradition of uncovering government corruption and the like. What a joke. Am I the only one that noticed that the press has been all but non-existent for the last eight years? Where was the press in getting to the bottom of the abuse of power at the IRS? Or how about the EPA writing its own laws? The FBI ignoring obvious criminal activity by HRC? The State Dept covering up a failures before and the cover-up after attack in Bengahzi?

Many pundits that should know better, jump on the train and exclaim that while the press has overblown such stories as the (non-existent) collusion with Russia, Trump firing FBI Director Comey and Trump releasing “classified” information to the Russians, that Trump has “brought much of this on himself”. No, there is nothing that Trump could do that would not bring these leftist progressives out to attack. This is what they live for.

They make the so-called Russian attempt to subvert our election process seem like a big story. But we still haven’t seen any real evidence that the Russians were really involved. The DNC has evidently hit by a simple phishing attack that any 16 yo could have pulled off. And whats-his-name actually used “password” as his password? Give me a break. If they want a story about a real cyber attack on the US, how about the compromise of millions of government employees with clearances when the OPM was attacked? Were the Chinese really behind that? Or who broke and compromised the RSA tokens in wide use by the government. That wasn’t done by a 16 yo, I can tell you that. The private data compromised by multiple attacks means that a whole generation of government employees have to deal with potentially compromised personal information (like SSNs, DOB, relatives, etc.) for the rest of their lives.

Yesterday there was a “big” story about how Trump pressured Comey to drop the Flynn investigation. Although, the it is unclear exactly what was said in that private conversation, I seem to remember that Obama made multiple public statements during the HRC email investigation that there is nothing there, no security was compromised, etc. Did the press have daily splashes of headlines that the Obama white house was bumbling and out-of-control? Did they exclaim that people were stating he would need to be impeached for interfering with an ongoing FBI investigation. Did FBI Director Comey feel pressure from the President to end the investigation the way they did? Was that why Comey gave the whole presentation of a litany of obvious criminal activity and then usurped the AG role and declined to prosecute on his own?

I think we need to give the press something to cover. How about our AG requests special investigators for the HRC emails, the Clinton Foundation slush funds, the Bengahzi cover-up, the IRS abuse of conservative organizations and cover-up, and so-on. That will give them something to write about. Otherwise this press express train is going to run the entire country off a cliff for the next four years which is exactly what they want. They want to keep President Trump from being able to achieve his agenda because they know that those actions would really make America better and ensure a second term.