How many branches was that again?

I was thinking yesterday about an interesting effect. Despite the new administration in the white House for over 100 days, the State Dept lawyers are still protecting HRC in court battles involving FOIA, the IRS is still not processing conservative groups for their 501c status, the FBI was still slow-walking responding to requests from the legislature. So, do we really still have a government of three branches, the Executive, the Legislative, and the Judicial? Or are there now actually four branches? I think the Executive has been split into two distinct branches: The White House which is nominally in charge, and the out-of-control executive bureaucracy itself.

When this split actually occurred is hard for me to say. I remember hearing “Presidents and their Department Secretary’s come and go, but the Departments stay”, back when the transition was between Carter and Reagan. Of course, I was very young and thought it was sort of a joke at the time. Not so funny to me now as I come to this realization that government is more out of control than I ever imagined. The actuality of freedom and liberty and limited government for “we the people” and our children may be past the point of no return. Forever unreachable. I fear the tree of liberty will split under the weight of four branches.

And don’t even get me started about activist judges that try to legislate from the bench.