the not so United States of Trump

Here are some random post-election thoughts that have been running through my head.

First of all,  I don’t remember a past losing Presidential candidate failing to appear and leaving their supporters in the lurch like that.  Ever.  According to reports, I guess, she was crying inconsolably all night.  I can’t remember reports of a candidate doing that either.  At least, now we might finally get the truth about Hillary’s health.  I really suspect that her campaign was hiding something serious based on the various episodes I saw captured on video.

It’s so ironic, shortly after the election, to hear some Democrats that are now so concerned about conflicts of interest due to President-Elect Trumps vast financial holdings and dealings.  Where have they been for years as Secretary of State Clinton used the Clinton Foundation as a slush fund and as the Obama Administration doled out millions upon millions of crony capitalism deals to his supporters that ultimately ended in bankruptcies?

Some other Democrats seem to be suddenly afraid that hate crimes are going out of control after the election because they feel that all of Trump’s supporters are deplorable racists or something.  Although, there are no reliable statistics to support this claim and it doesn’t even make logical sense, they already blame Trump for this.  Oddly, they didn’t seem to blame the Obama Administration for the increase in police ambush killings and the nationwide anarchist anti-police movement that has grown to tragic proportions this past year.

Pundits seem to be all confused.  Some are shocked that Trump is making moves and selecting his cabinet as if he is really going to try to keep his campaign promises.  How unexpected.  They are not used to politicians acting like that.  Other pundits are busy claiming that Trump is backing off from his campaign promises based upon statements that he has made that they generally take out of context or comprehend with their own wishes.  Give it a break, the man hasn’t even taken office, yet.  Still others are making long lists of every possible promise that Trump might have made, so that they can point out when he fails to keep even the smallest promise, even if made half-jokingly.  Of course, how many of these pundits or media midgets did the same thing for Obama?   Obama couldn’t even keep the huge promises that he made when he was president, like “If you like your doctor, then you can keep your doctor.  If you like your plan, then you can keep your plan.  Period.”  That one was a whopper.

The mainstream media went all out for Clinton, even beyond their usual slanting of the news, as revealed by documents and emails made public by WikiLeaks.  Ironically, they have destroyed their own reputations in the process.  It isn’t clear that they could recover their respect now even if they tried to be fair in the future.  And, so far, they aren’t even trying.  What will this mean for the future of journalism and the “fourth” branch?  Perhaps, it will never recover from this self-inflicted wound, at least not in the form that we have known for four or five decades.

The biggest irony, to me, is that the Democrats that are now so afraid of a President Trump apparently fail to see or comprehend or empathize with the other half of America that voted for the man.  Worse still, they fail to see that much of pro-Trump and anti-Clinton voters were also afraid.  Afraid to exercise their free speech for fear of being labeled a deplorable racist, misogynist, xenophobe.  Afraid to speak out against political correctness run amok.  Afraid for their jobs and the future of their country. No wonder they were shocked by the outcome, they are totally blind to the reality and feeling of the other half of the country.