I can see clearly now

366 • 10 • At the optometrist

366 • 10 • At the optometrist (Photo credit: Pragmagraphr)

I love all the talk of transparency in government the last few years.  Sounds like a good thing for our government to be open and held accountable to the people they serve.  Doesn’t it? Today, again in Senate hearings I heard the word mentioned several times.  Of course, this was in response to questions about a leaked memo concerning a secret legal opinion justifying killing our own citizens without due process using drones.  Somehow, this doesn’t give me confidence.  Despite assurances and empty commitments that the program and our government will be transparent in the future.  I’m just not seeing that.

I’m not seeing a lot these days.  Maybe, the problem is me and I should see my optometrist about it?  I’m not seeing the answers about the failures of operation Fast and Furious.  I’m not seeing the answers about the tragic death of our ambassador in Benghazi. I’m not seeing how the Affordable Care Act will actually reduce medical costs or improve health care.  I’m not seeing how the nearly trillion dollars we spent on stimulus in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act actually helped our economy or our infrastructure.  I’m not seeing any real cutting of  government spending because the deficits continue.  And worst of all, I’m not seeing much hope for the future because our national debt continues to increase.