Who? Who? Who let the dogs out?

The progressive left has let loose the anarchists and marxists in order to desperately seek their political aims and defeat Trump.  But mob rule is unpredictable. The mob can turn on anybody and often turns on everybody.  Viva la revolution! The unruly and ignorant mob doesn’t even know what they are for and who they should be against, other than that they love destruction and self-righteous virtue signalling.

The anarchists obviously are  loving this.  But these dogs aren’t going to easily be put back on a leash now that they have enjoyed rioting and tearing down everything. The progressive intent is to use this chaos for their own ends.  If they get the power they seek, they will quickly show their true totalitarian leanings. They will seek to eradicate “wrong” thinking.  Not by legitimate arguments discussed in a fair forum,  but by devious means and ultimately by force. How do I know this?  This has happened before, many times, in many places.  I fear a lot of people weren’t paying attention in history classes.

I’m sure I’ll be one of those sent into a re-education facility where a Democratic governor can send COVID-19 patients after they’ve finished sending them to the old folks homes.