the sounds of silence

Norway on Fox

Norway on Fox (Photo credit: Norway UN (New York))

I thought when I first decided to begin this political opinion blog that I would get lot’s of comments from haters. Watching the news, it seems that today many believe in tolerance for everyone except anyone that disagrees with them. So, I was really expecting to get hit. However, I haven’t gotten a single critical or hateful comment. Not one. Actually, now that I think about it. I’m not sure if I remember any comments to this blog, so far. Only a very few likes and a few follows. Otherwise, it’s been all quiet on the western front.

I’m glad. I think it would be stressful to have to deal with a lot of angry notes. Or a lot of hostile attacks that aren’t meant to really discuss. I’m not sure if this medium is good for real discussion or not. These days, with the Left and the Right not negotiating, and the country split in half, it doesn’t seem that anybody really wants to discuss or negotiate anyway.

It seems that every time I turn on my TV, there are groups of people on MSNBC calling the Republicans names, there are two political hacks from both parties on Fox fighting and pointing fingers at each other, there are news casters slanting the news and denying any bias. Sometimes, I just have to turn it all off and listen to the sounds of silence. This blog is a perfect haven for that. I can vent and then there is quiet. I don’t have to listen to endless fallacious arguments, lies, talking points and ad hominem attacks. I just sit and enjoy the silence of apathy. Ah, a sweet sound it is.